A solid trade at this year’s Kelso ram sale (Friday 8th September) saw a top price of £2200 with the Charollais champion judged by Jim Neil taking the price of £1600 for the Ingram family, Aberdeenshire. Their pen of 17 shearlings went on to average £1015.
Taking second top price of £1500 and averaging £856 for 25 shearling rams, were the Wales family and their Thackwood flock.
Joint next best was a shearling ram from Ben Radley’s Loaningfoot flock selling for £1000, with his pen averaging £780.83 for 12 rams. Also selling a shearling ram for £1000 was James Clanachan of the Maryholm flock.
Overall, a great day’s trade for shearling rams with averages up by £93 from last years sale.
Leading ram lamb trade at £1000 were Charles and Stephen Marwood, with their Foulrice flock averaging £495 for 14 lambs.
Next best was a ram lamb from S and A Moore’s Balhall flock, selling for £500.
Averages: 108 shearling rams £750.28; 20 ram lambs £471.50 (Lawrie and Symington)