The sale of females at Dungannon saw ewe lambs in high demand with a top price of 2400gns from Graham Fosters Springhill flock based in Ardstraw, Newtownstewart.

Springhill 22WLK06498 is by Boyo Walk This Way a Vancouver son and is out of Boyo Whitney purchased as a ewe lamb from Dave Roberts. This lamb started the showing season off by winning first prize ewe lamb at Balmoral show 2022. This one will head down south to Co Cork, southern Ireland with Mr James Walsh.
Selling for 2000gns also from Graham Fosters pen was Springhill 22WLK006506. ET sister to Springhill Aston Martin and first prize ram lamb at Balmoral 2022. Dam is an ET sister to Springhill Vixen. Sinead Brophy took her home south to Co Carlow, Southern Ireland.

Next up another ewe lamb from Springhill pen which sold for 1600gns. Springhill 22WLK06497 is by Gwyndy Whizz Kid and out of Lisfuncheon ewe. This one will head to Co Galway Southern Ireland with Mr Sean Naughton.

Another lamb sired by Gwyndy Whizz Kid this time out of a homebred Springhill ewe. Taking this one home for 1350gns was Mr James Reid, Co Antrim.

Taking the top price of David Cromie’s Millhaven pen at 940gns was Millhaven 22XEF01961, by Arbryn Viper and out of a Rockvilla ewe. This one is heading to the Netherlands for Harry De Vliegher.

Selling females from their Beechview flock were Messrs G & J Booth travelling from Stewartstown selling a January born ewe lamb, out of Riverdale Victor and a homebred Beechview ewe. Taking this one home for 920gns was Mr Wesley Cousins from Co Tyrone.

In lamb Shearling Ewes
Leading the trade with the in-lamb shearling ewes was a ewe from William McAllister’s Artnagullion flock. Taking top price for shearlings at 1650gns Artnagullion 21ZGQ04535 is by Loanhead Upperclass and a Artnagullion ewe. Having been scanned twins to Rockdale Vespasian, Mr Richard Powell took her home to Co Armagh.

Also coming from the Artnagullion pen an in-lamb shearling by Loanhead Upperclass and a homebred ewe. She sold for 1600gns having been scanned carrying twins to Rockdale Vespasian to Mr Simon Turkington for his flock in the Scottish Borders.

Taking another ewe home for his flock the in Scottish borders, Mr Turkington took the bid for Artnagullion 21ZGQ04571 out of Rockdale Vespasian and a homebred Artnagullion ewe. Scanned with a single to Springhill Viper.

Taking home his pick of the sale to his Loaningfoot flock, Ben Radley from Dumfries. Out of the Cowans pen Tullyear 21QY03944 sired by Tullyear Untouchable and a homebred Tullyear ewe, selling for 1080gns.

Averages: 31 shearling ewes £751.59, 57 Ewe lambs £580.26