Soaking up the sunshine on Tuesday this week for the Royal Welsh Show, judge Jim Jeffrey from Ireland found his Charollais breed champion in the form of a ewe lamb from Adrian Davies’ Glyn Coch flock.

Described by the judge as a ewe lamb with immense style, presence, great locomotion and a tight skin, this one is by Logie Durno Wall St and is out of a homebred ewe by Arbryn SamJay.
Taking the reserve spot having won the aged ram class and the male championship was Foxhill Va Va Voom from the Ingram family.
Class Results:
Aged ram:
1st Ingram 20XWY00604
2nd Prichard 20TZ03068
3rd Sercombe 20PE08770

Shearling ram:
1st Burrough 21WGN05381
2nd Buckland 21XLT03950
3rd Sercombe 21PE09531

Ram lamb:
1st Curran 22XEV01952
2nd Thomas 22WRF00905
3rd Lewis 22VJZ04741

Ewe, two shear or over:
1st Danforth 20WWJ00163
2nd V Sercombe 19ZWA08005
3rd Ingram 19WNC27404

Shearling ewe:
1st Lewis 21XXJ01033
2nd Ingram 21ZNN37362
3rd Sercombe 21PE09525

Ewe lamb:
1st Davies 22XCA01975
2nd Ingram 22WNC43525
3rd Curran 22XEV01942

Group of Three:
1st Ingram
2nd Sercombe

Male Champion:
Ingram Foxhill Va Va Voom
Reserve Male Champion:
Curran ram lamb also reserve interbreed ram lamb
Female Champion:
Davies 22XCA01975
Reserve Female Champion:
Lewis 21XXJ01033
Overall champion:
Davies 22XCA01975
Reserve overall champion:
Ingram Foxhill Va Va Voom